Showing posts with label urrth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label urrth. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Oh, that's where those files went.

Hello and welcome to the simpleVSTs page. From 2003-2010 I was an avid home recording enthusiast spending a great deal of time toying with audio plugins in multi-track programs such as Ableton Live. One day I came across a 'how to' thread on, and it eventually led me to having a go at developing my own VST plugins using SynthEdit. Coming from a design background I was pleased to find the SynthEdit IDE easy to work with and it allowed me to quickly plug ideas together in hopes of creating my own personal wave-shapers. I worked many late nights creating useable plugins for recording guitar and bass while offering low-impact to PC system resources. In the end I learned about as much as I could in tweaking things without actually having to code my own modules. Eventually much better plugins surfaced throughout the modeling community using C++ development which blew me away and even rivaled the retail offerings at that time (ie; Revalver, Amplitube). Admitting defeat I left the modeling world behind.

Just for kicks I did a Google recently and found at least 1 link where someone had enjoyed my efforts. I was more or less surprised to still see results turn up in the search engine after 2 years. There were a few more references I found but they were scary looking MediaFire urls and I thought to myself 'oh noes, iz virus?' So, I figured it wouldn't hurt to just re-upload my completed plugins safe and direct from me should anyone like to try them out again. They are and have always been FREE, so enjoy!

Should you find them useful I invite you to take the time to come back here and leave a comment and let me know.

